5 Tips for Stay at Home Moms Who Love to Craft

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I’ve been a stay at home mom since my son was born 5 years ago so I know the struggles, triumphs and the life of a stay at home mom. I feel like you can lose your self in your kids and life at home, but it’s important to keep doing your hobbies and the things you love. It will make you a better mom if you have an outlet. One thing I started to explore when I became a stay at home mom was my crafting, creating and DIY. I have always loved these things, but when I was a teacher I just didn’t have the time. I’ve learned a lot trying to craft with two small children and I’m sharing my 5 Tips for Stay at Home Moms Who Love to Craft!
Now if you are lucky and your children nap, then use that time to relax, shower and craft! You are a lucky lady, but if your like me and your children stopped napping early here are ways to make it work. These tips are great even if you have a nap time because they will keep you organized and help you with your daily schedule.
5 Tips for Stay at Home Moms Who Love to Craft
#1: Time Blocking
Time blocking has seriously changed my life and helped in so many ways. Life in general needs time blocking, but as a stay at home mom who can get pulled in all kinds of directions this is a big one. I’m going to give a quick snapshot of time blocking because I’m not an expert, but it’s easy to understand. It’s setting aside time for just one task and you “block off” your time from other projects or activities. Just focus on that one thing.
I use it for my crafting by getting out my Cricut machine and cutting all the pieces at one time, or going into Cricut Design Space and creating projects or painting all my upcoming projects at one time. This allows you to focus on one task at a time. I don’t have a craft room and craft in the kitchen, so this allows me to bring out my Cricut use it and put it away. It’s challenging to bring out my Cricut, cut one thing and put it back.
#2: Planning
Before kids I loved just sitting down and waiting for inspiration by my supplies or thoughts, but with kids and a million interruptions it’s almost impossible. I get random thoughts and creative moments at the strangest times and I write my ideas down and then plan them. Use your crafting time wisely as either planning time or creating time, but don’t try to plan, create and execute while mommin’ at the same time. Trust me you will get frustrated, angry and give up on your hobby because you will feel it’s impossible.
#3: How to Keep the Kids Busy
My son loves to craft when I craft and my daughter is starting to also like to do that to. I always make sure I have an independent activity that they can do themselves as I create. It doesn’t have to be fancy or magical or even crafty (you know your kids the best). Try busy bags, felt stories, LEGO’s, stickers, coloring books. Don’t do paint or scissors that need your attention. My kids love foam stickers and will just sit and create pictures with them. Just have something your child can do independently at the table as you create.
#4: Organization
I’ve said before I don’t have a craft room and most of my supplies are in the basement. To stay organized and to use my time wisely, I have my supplies already gathered and available so I can easily begin creating during my craft time. Yes little things come up or somedays I totally forget something important, but thats life, just roll with it!
#5: When to Schedule your Craft Time
Create your craft time during the most cooperative best time of your day (if you have no nap time or want to craft with your kids). This will be different for everyone and will depend on your schedule. Since my son started Kindergarten I miss my crafting time in the morning and it’s messed up my schedule. My kids are most cooperative and happy in the morning, which makes it easier to craft or for them to work independently. They are happy, wide awake and not hungry, all of those greatly effect our day. You know that sweet spot when all is calm, that’s the perfect time to craft.
Being a stay at home mom is rewarding, amazing, challenging, sweet, and it’s a blessing. My children are my greatest blessing and I love being able to be with them and to watch them grow and learn. I just don’t want to lose me in raising my children and crafting is one of my favorite hobbies, whether I’m scrapbooking or creating signs, I love it all. It’s just a part of me. These 5 Tips for Stay at Home Moms Who Love to Craft are perfect for any hobby and I hope you stay inspired and keep up with you while having the best job in the world!