Classroom Valentine Ideas for a Fun Party

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Last year was my first year being a room parent and it was weird being back in the classroom again. Before I was a mom, I taught Kindergarten for many years and the school was a second home to me. I’m bringing you advice as a former teacher, current mom and room parent of fun and easy classroom valentine ideas for a great party!
I’m all about DIY and doing things on a budget so these games are affordable and easy to make and create. Moms and teachers are all very busy so these will fit perfectly into your schedule.
Now I know all schools are different and have different rules, but I’m sharing my experience and what I did. I’m hoping you can take it and use it at your school too. You definitely don’t want to miss out on the games.
Room Parent Advice for an Easy Fun Party
-Make sure the craft is self adhesive or will stick with glue
-Make sure all the activities are easy and fun for all the students to do independently
-Check on time because it’s always limited
-Don’t worry to much about decorations, the kids just want to have fun and there is not always time for that
-Have all the crafts and games organized and separated by tables or groups so it can simply be put out (kids never do well when they have to wait)
-Have a coloring sheet for the end of the party to calm the students down as they finish (it’s a great way to end a party)
-Follow the teachers lead on how they would like the party ran
From my experience each teacher is different and does parties differently. These Valentine’s Day Party Ideas were used in my son’s kindergarten classroom. For the party the teacher had asked for 2 games, a craft, snack and a coloring sheet for the end.
Let’s Use These Fun Classroom Valentine Ideas to create a Fun Party
Fun DIY Valentine’s Day Party Games for Kids
For me, I love to DIY a lot. Even games for the kids parties because it’s a lot cheaper than buying games and a lot can be made from recyclables.
The first game was Valentine Cornhole Game . The kids loved trying to get the bean bags into the heart shape. It was a hit!
The second game was a Bowling Valentine’s Game made with old Pringle cans and felt. The kids loved knocking these down. Now depending on space, the kids can roll the ball and knock them down or throw the ball. We did bowling in my son’s classroom and it got wild (in a super fun safe way).
Valentine’s Day Craft for Classroom Party
For the party craft idea, the kids made a Conversation Heart Wreath . They really enjoyed reading the conversation hearts and creating the wreaths. I created all the pieces with my Cricut Maker and card stock, but Oriental Trading sells wreath kits very similar to this. I highly recommend Oriental Trading for classroom parties.
Valentine’s Day Party Treat
For this party, we had an ice cream sundae bar. All the kids got to choose their toppings and make their own sundaes. The kids really enjoyed all the toppings and whip cream of course. Just put each topping in a bowl and have a spoon for the students to use to put the treat on their ice cream.
I hope these ideas are helpful to you as you plan your classroom Valentine’s Day party.