Craft Drawer Organization

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Do you have craft supplies you use all the time? These are the tools I have in my craft drawer, but I also have a bad habit of putting in items that don’t belong. Come along and find out about my craft drawer organization.
Welcome to the Drawer Organization Blog Hop!
For the entire month of April, 12 bloggers will be sharing the process of cleaning and organizing drawers around our homes each week.
We kicked off the first week in the kitchen! If you missed the first week here is my kitchen drawer . This week we have been doing drawer organization in our Office, Craft and Living Rooms.
My Pinterventures • Intelligent Domestications
DIY Adulation • Domestically Creative • Cookies Coffee and Crafts
Domestic Deadline • Across the Boulevard •
Mom Home Guide • Olives & Okra
Centsably Creative • Michelle James Designs
I wish I had a craft room or an office, but I don’t. Of course I have a living room, but it doesn’t have any drawers. For the craft drawer organization this week I’m organizing the drawers in my sideboard that I use as my craft storage area for items I use all the time. I’m going to be getting a kitchen island soon that will be my “crafting island.” I’m super excited for that!
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Before Picture of my Top Craft Drawer Organization
The top drawer has baskets from the dollar tree, but sometimes extra stuff that doesn’t belong end up in there. This one needed to be cleaned of all the extras and reorganized. This is where I keep the essentials like my scissors, hot glue, hole punch, ruler, paint brushes and pieces of my current projects. In the office basket is all of the cords to charge our electronics. I have a huge pet peeve of the cords just being left in the wall when not charging, it’s so ugly. All my other craft supplies are semi-organized in the basement.
Everything in the top drawer goes into it’s basket. I added my colored pens that I like to write with and my journal to the top of the basket. Find out what I use the journal for. This drawer was easy because it just needed to be cleaned out. I feel like when it comes to drawer organization, it’s all about purging and to not be lazy. I kept the sunflower seeds on top because last year we forgot to plant them and hopefully seeing them all the time will help me remember.
After Pictures of my Top Craft Drawer Organization
Before Picture of my Bottom Craft Drawer Organization
This drawer is just plain scary, instead of a craft drawer this is like a scary junk drawer. This sideboard was my Grandmas and it took me along time to go through it. It honestly sat as is for a few years before I started using the drawers. I finally cleaned all the way to the bottom of the drawer. I found this Thanksgiving card that’s about 40 years old from my parents to my Grandma & Grandpa. That is a keepsake, that I will be framing.
After I cleaned it, I have a pile of stuff that needs a new home and I was trying to decide what to put in the drawers. Then I looked around at the kitchen and saw all of my children’s art supplies on top of the fridge. The bottom drawer is deep enough and perfect for the art supplies. My children love to do crafts, color, and create so these supplies are used almost daily. Everything is organized in boxes from various places. I had the art organizer tote from when I taught Kindergarten. It is perfect because you just pull out the container you need or the whole thing.
Here are some similar ones that I found on Amazon:
After Pictures of my Bottom Craft Drawer Organization
I’ve been thinking about the kids art supplies on top of the fridge for a while now. It’s just an eye sore to me, but now it’s gone. If you need to get your children’s art supplies under control the different size pencil boxes work out great.
I’m so happy with my craft drawer organization, now I have to break my bad habit of putting in random items. Happy Organization!
Please visit the other host blogs below for more Office, Craft and Living Room Drawer Organization Ideas