Cute Fall Coffee Mug with Cricut

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Do you ever see something and thinks that’s me? I did as soon as I saw this SVG because I love fall and coffee. Do you like seasonal mugs? It’s fun to have a new mug to drink out of. This cute fall coffee mug will be getting a lot of use because I’m sure it’s to become one of my favorites.
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Supplies For DIY Fall Themed Mug
Orange Coffee Mug from Dollar Tree
Yellow Vinyl
Brown Vinyl
Burgundy Vinyl
Purple Vinyl
Green Vinyl
Transfer Paper
Cricut Maker
Let’s Create a Cute Fall Coffee Mug with the Cricut
When I was browsing the Dollar Tree, I saw these pretty orange coffee cups and plates. I’m in love with the color, it’s the perfect fall orange. I had to bring some home with me.
To get started in Cricut Design Space™ I uploaded an SVG from Lovesvg. This totally describes me. It’s my time of the year to shine!
The fall coffee mug is an easy project that only takes a few minutes. In Cricut Design Space, size your image to fit on your mug. May times the questions is asked “What kind of vinyl do you use?” Any vinyl that is permanent will work. I prefer the new Cricut Permanent Vinyl, like I used on this Hello Handsome Coffee Mug or Oracal 651, that I used on this mug. Both of these vinyls are long lasting, I do recommend to hand wash the mugs and don’t leave them soaking in water.
I changed a few colors because the orange is not going to show up on an orange mug, but the dark purple looks great. Purple is also my favorite color, finding the dark purple leaves in the fall our the prettiest. Then cut your image using your Cricut Maker or any model that uses Design Space.
Weed your design and use the Transfer Paper to add it to the mug. I stared at the top with the words and transferred them to the mug individually. Then I added the leaves to the mug.
Get ready for fall with your cozy and cute mug! I’ll be enjoying my coffee in this mug all season. What’s your favorite hot beverage for the fall? Whenever I’m out and about, pumpkin spice is my go to.
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