Easiest Double Ribbon Hair Bow Tutorial

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My favorite crafts are made with ribbon and paper. They are two of my favorite crafting materials and they are both so easy to work with. Easy, simple and fun crafts is what I live for. My daughter is in need of some new hair bows so I thought let’s DIY some. I’m breaking it down step by step with the easiest double ribbon hair bow tutorial. In a few easy steps you will have a brand new double stacked boutique bow to be proud of.
My double ribbon hair bow is a no sew and all you need are a few simple supplies to make this. Plus out of one roll of ribbon, you could make tons. If you are a girl mom that is music to your ears because hair bows can be pricey. Another plus is that this takes about 5 minutes to make. My little one loves wearing ponytails and all kinds of bows , so I made this fun and easy ponytail ribbon holder , a unicorn girls hair ribbon , and a glittery Christmas ponytail ribbon holder. All of these are step by step tutorials so you can easily make them too.
Materials for DIY Hair Bow with Ribbons
Ruler or Craft Mat
1 1/2 inch Grosgrain Ribbon
Twine or 1/8 inch ribbon
Hot Glue Gun/Sticks
Thin Ribbon to Match the Grosgrain Ribbon (5/8 inch works best)
Clear Nail Polish
For this type of bow, I highly recommend the grosgrain ribbon. It’s easy to work with and works great for this style of double hair bow. I did make one out of satin ribbon, but the ribbon was really slippery to work with (I wished I was an octopus at one point) and the bow looks floppy to me. It just doesn’t have the pizzaz that the grosgrain ribbon gives to this double stacked bow.
Let’s Create the Easiest Double Ribbon Hair Bow Tutorial
Lay out the grosgrain ribbon to 5 inches and then fold it again and agin so the ribbon is stacked on top of each other. This will be one layer of the double hair bow.
Fold the ribbon in half to find the center and tie tightly with twine. I did use 1/8 inch ribbon too, but I found the twine to tie tighter and easier. Then repeat this step again. Now you have two identical parts of the no sew bow. Go back and trim the ends of the twine.
Cut a strip of the grosgrain ribbon to 8 inches and fish tail the ends of the ribbon to be the tail. You can make this bow with or without the tail. The double hair bow is super cute either way.
Stack the ribbon strips on top of each other and the fishtailed ribbon underneath. Pinch it all together and place the 5/8 checkered ribbon around the center.
Using the hot glue gun, glue the red checkered ribbon around the center of the double ribbon hair bow. I have found that 5/8 inch ribbon works perfectly for putting the bow together in the center. Trim the edges of all the ribbon and seal it with clear nail polish on the ends that are cut.
See how easy this double ribbon hair bow is to make? Plus grosgrain ribbon comes in a whole bunch of colors and prints. You can make special holiday hair bows or plain colors to go with everything.
This simple no sew hair bow can be added to a hair clip, a headband or add it to a rubber band. It makes the perfect hair accessories for anyone.