Halloween Fabric Wreath

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Halloween is a fun time to decorate not only with pumpkins and ghost, but also with all the adorable Halloween fabric that is out there. I went to my parents house to borrow some tools and my mom was making Halloween skirts for her granddaughters and I saw all that cute fabric on the table and it gave me an idea. To create an adorable Halloween Fabric wreath. I took all of the scraps and I was able to make almost the whole wreath. I love a project that is free to create to, I had the wire wreath in my craft stash. Check your local dollar store for the 10 inch wire wreaths, whenever I see them I buy a couple. I did end up spending $2 for extra material at the end because I was short a few pieces.
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Materials for the Halloween Fabric Wreath:
10 inch Wire wreath
Halloween Material
I cut about 6 inch strips and I found out that thinner strips work better then thicker strips. I just used regular scissors because my pinking shears just stick togehter every single time I cut (they are only a couple months old). If they worked I would of used them instead. Also you don’t have to worry about perfect straightness because once you tie the fabric on you won’t be able to tell.
Plus I tried tying the fabric in a different way and I am liking how it looks.
To tie the fabric to the wreath:
- Fold the material in half
- Loop it on the wire wreath
- Pull the tails into the lops and pull

On the outside of the wreath, I chose to do all the white material with the witch hat because I had the most of it.
Then on the inner ring I did a pattern with the polka dot, orange bats, and the pink cat material because the fabric all went together so well. I love how bright and colorful the wreath is.
Then on the two inner rings, I just did random material of the leftover fabric from my mom and the fabric I bought to finish the wreath.

This Halloween Fabric Wreath is so colorful and cute. I love the colors and patterns that pop out of this wreath.

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