Farmhouse Wooden Vase Holder

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The Rules:
- Upcycle an item(s) from a thrift store, resale store, or garage sale into a new piece of decor.
- There’s no monthly theme.
- There’s no budget to stick to.
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Angela | Simply Beautiful By Angela – Gail | Purple Hues and Me – Carmen | Living Letter Home – Chas | Chas’ Crazy Creations – Jenny | Cookies Coffee and Crafts – Pili | My Sweet Things – Kathleen | Our Hopeful Home – Marie | DIY Adulation – Beverly | Across the Blvd – Michelle | Michelle James Designs – Molly | Just a Little Creativity
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A little wooden holder like this could become so many things and is an easy DIY. Some ideas are table decor for napkins and silverware, spice holder or it’s perfect for storage. These ideas were all possibilities, but the flowers in bloom inspired me to make a flower holder.
Before Wooden Vase Holder

Let’s Create a Farmhouse Style Wooden Vase Holder with Bottles
For this upcycle, I took off the wire and filled the holes from the wire. The painting on the wooden box felt smooth so I painted it with Zinsser Primer, but after painting it the old design showed through. So I had to sand the design down and repaint it. I painted it with Sherwin Williams Mysterious Mauve. It’s a really pretty purple/grey for a bit of color. Sometimes when I’m working on a project, I get so involved I forget to take pictures.

Then I added 2 glass milk bottles. I found the bottles at Hobby Lobby for 50% off so I bought both of them for under $2. My new farmhouse wooden vase holder cost me $2.75. That’s a deal because flower vase holders at the store are much more than that.

I’m a huge Rae Dunn fan and I love to create SVG that are inspired by her style. The perfect decor idea for the vase holder is Fresh Flowers.

I created the SVG, cut the design in Cricut Permanent Black Vinyl and used Transfer Paper
to add it to the vase holder. Here is the Fresh Flowers SVG.
After of the Farmhouse Style Flower Holder

Daisies are my favorite and they are all in bloom now so as long as the daisies are blooming, my bottles will be filled with them. What a perfect addition to my kitchen counter.
And now for more thrifty goodness!
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