LEGO Stamped Gift for Dad

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LEGOS are a favorite in my house and it’s something my husband and kids do together all the time. I love watching them build and work together. Daddy is the LEGO master builder in our house. I try, but I usually need Daddy’s help too, but I’m pretty good with duplos and sets for 5 year olds (who knows what I’m talking about). We are making a LEGO Stamped Gift for Dad, it’s perfect for Father’s Day, Dad’s Birthday or Christmas.
Bring on the Crafts this month is stamps and I can’t wait to see what all my blogging friends create. Just think of all the items in your home you can use to create stamps with just like the LEGOS.
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Supplies for Dad’s Homemade Gift from the Kids
Wooden Frame
Assorted sizes of LEGOS
Washable Paint
Gift Bag
Mod Podge Sealer
Let’s Create a Picture Frame Gift for Dad
I went to Walmart and found these 4×6 unfinished wood frames for 97 cents. Take the wrapper off of the frame, take out the picture and your are ready to paint.

My kids are still small, so I painted the frames white and sanded the rough areas lightly. Now the frames are kid ready!

When the frames were drying I had the kids pick out LEGOS for the stamping to create their gift with. Add LEGOS to use as holders when you stamp.

I used small paper plates to place the paint on. If you use the Sargent Art Washable Paint it is a good consistency for this. If you use Crayola Washable Kids’ Paint
it is to thick for stamping, but a little bit of water will change that. In the photo below, I used Crayola to start with and you can see I added water to the yellow. I preferred the Sargent Paint for this project.

The kids picked the colors for their frames to do the LEGO stamping with. Then they got to work, stamping and creating their gift for Father’s Day.

My youngest is 3 and the small LEGOS were hard for her to stamp, even adding on LEGOS as handles was still hard for her. I feel like this frame will be a keepsake of what these little hands created for Daddy. I mean homemade gifts are just priceless because you can never go back to that age again.

We found the best practice was placing the LEGO in the paint, then stamping onto the paper towel, then stamp the frame. It helped get rid of the extra paint.

We also found out the bottom of the LEGOS work better than the top. Since I have stamped with classic LEGOS (I double checked with the master builder to make sure that’s what they are called) and the Duplos, I recommend stamping with Duplos. For this frame that would be tough since it’s small.
The kids loved LEGO Stamping on the ocean scene painting we did. The added benefit with washable paint is that you can easily clean the LEGOS to. Since I’m using washable paint, when the frame is completely dry, I will spray it with Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer to seal the frame for many years to come.

LEGO Stamped Gift Bag for Dad
Duplos were used for the gift bag and it was much easier, especially for small hands. To make a matching gift bag, buy a blank bag at the Dollar Tree and have the kids stamp that too. I think the kids will stamp anything with LEGOS they love it so much. Stamping is Awesome!
I’m glad we are getting Father’s Day finished now because I have a tendency to wait and then something crazy happens. This year we are going to be ready!

My kids are so excited to give their gift to Daddy and can’t wait. I keep telling them it’s a secret, but secrets are tough to keep. If a LEGO Stamped Frame isn’t for your, maybe this Papa Picture Frame is.
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