Make an Easy Easter Bow DIY with Bunny Ears

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The Easter bunny is coming to town and if you want to make your baskets look extra good, then you need this easy Easter bow DiY. I’ve never thought about adding a bow to my Easter baskets, which totally blows my mind. I love ribbon and bows. I was wandering through the Easter aisles at Wal-Mart and I saw basket bows and I knew I had to make them. My bows had to have bunny ears through because it’s Easter!
There was a time when I was totally intimated with bow making. I would watch tutorial video after tutorial and sit for hours when my kids napped trying to make a bow. I remember the joy I felt when I finally did it, but thought the years I have learned bow making doesn’t have to be intimidating.
My simple bunny bow is super easy to make with mesh, wired ribbon, a pipe cleaner and a hot glue gun. Many of these supplies can be found at the Dollar Tree. You can make several bows from a roll of mesh and ribbon so happy bow making. I have leftover mesh from the Dollar Tree and one thing I always buy after a holiday is ribbon. So I know I bought this plaid ribbon marked down somewhere.
Materials for DIY Easter Basket Bows
Mesh (in any color)
Wired Ribbon
Pipe Cleaner
Hot Glue Gun
Thin Ribbon
Let’s Create an Easy Easter Bow DIY
Step 1:
Have out your ruler or craft mat and cut the mesh about 10 inches long. Try to cut it in a straight line (as much as you an), but you are going to roll it, so it won’t matter.
Cut the pipe cleaner about 5 inches. Any kind of pipe cleaner will work because you are going to cover it in ribbon.
Roll the mesh and put them all together and wrap the pipe cleaner tightly around the center to create the bunny bow base.
Step 2:
Depending on the type of Easter Basket you have, you may want the bow to go at the top or on the side. Hot glue the thin ribbon vertical to go at the top of the basket or horizontal to go on the side.
Horizontal Ribbon for Easter Basket
I cut the thin ribbon about 10 inches, but it’s only enough to tie a knot to the basket. If you want to make a bow when you tie it onto the Easter basket, just make the thin ribbon longer.
Vertical Ribbon for Easter Basket
Cut a piece of the decorative wired ribbon (that is the same as the bunny ears) about 3-4 inches, fold in half and hot glue over the pipe cleaner and the thin ribbon.
Step 3:
To make the bunny ears for the Easter basket bow, cut the wired ribbon about 10 inches long each and fold in half.
Place hot glue at the bottom of the ribbon and scrunch it together. This will create the bunny ear. Do this for the other ear too.
Make sure to use wired ribbon for the bunny ears so they stand tall and keep their shape.
Step 4:
The next step is too hot glue the bunny ears to the sides of the center piece. Make sure to move the thin piece of ribbon out of the way. You don’t want to glue the bunny ears to it.
Trim up any loose strings on the mesh. Now your easy Easter basket bow is already for the basket. Anyone will love this adorable bunny bow on a gift basket or an Easter basket.
These only take a few minutes to make so you can easily DIY several Easter Basket Bows in less than 30 minutes. Just think of the joy the bows will bring.