Ponytail Holder with Ribbons in 6 Easy Steps

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My daughters favorite way to wear her hair Is in a ponytail and she has a lot of hair. She loves bows, but sometimes bows just aren’t practical (like in sports). However a ponytail holder with ribbons will work anytime. My daughter is always the one with something in her hair. It just looks so cute and pretty. For the first time (on a team) my daughter Is playing soccer and I wanted to make her a hair tie that would work for active play.
I’m going to show you how to make a ponytail holder with ribbons in 6 easy steps to follow. It’s super easy to make and takes less than 15 minutes. I like to break my tutorials into super easy steps so they are easy to follow. If you love making girls hair accessories, here is How to Make a Cute Girls Hair Bow with Ribbons and How to Make a Christmas Ponytail Holder from the Dollar Tree.
Also I don’t know how to sew at all, but you will use a needle and thread for this ribbon hair tie. Honestly all I can sew are buttons on (if they fall off) and fix holes in my kid stuffed animals, Seriously I’m not good at it, but if you can push a needle in and pull it out, that’s all the skill level you need. Pretty basic right? Even better I only stabbed myself once.
How to Make a Ponytail Holder with Ribbons Tutorial
Materials for Hair Accessories for Girls
Elastic Hair Band
Assorted Ribbon
Hot Glue Gun/Sticks
Craft Mat or ruler
Clear Nail Polish
For this ponytail ribbon hair tie, you can choose as many ribbons as you want. I used 6 ribbons because I used what I had in my ribbon stash.
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#1 Cut all the ribbon to 16 inches long. Then either cut the ends at an angle or dovetail them.
#2 Seal the ends of the ribbon with clear nail polish. I like to do this on a piece of parchment or wax paper because the ribbon won’t stick to it. Plus the clear nail polish only takes a few minutes to dry.
#3 Fold all the ribbon in half and lay them in the order you want to place them on the ponytail streamer. Always start with the largest ribbon first.
#4 Have your needle threaded before you start this step. Make sure to tie a knot in the end of the thread. The color of the thread won’t matter because you will cover it.
Pinch the ribbon in the center and layer the ribbon on top of each other.
Sew it in and out until it feels secure. I did about 6 passes through all the ribbon.
#5 Now sew the ribbons to the elastic hair band. I did about 5 times through the elastic hair band. Pull on the elastic hair band and make sure there is no give.
#6 Cut a thin piece of ribbon about 3 inches and hot glue it round the thread to cover all the sewing on the ponytail ribbon streamer.
Your little girl will look adorable with this in her ponytail and it’s such an easy DIY hair accessory. I’m going to make one for soccer and in her school colors. I”m a little obsessed with these now and can’t wait to go ribbon shopping.