Pretty Fall Sign for your Door

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Fall is a time my soul feels refreshed with the cool days, the cozy clothes, the warm drinks & the yummy seasonal flavors. It makes me feel whimsical & like a kid again. From Picking pumpkins to playing in the leaves. When I saw this SVG it spoke to me and I loved the whimsical look of it. It was perfect for a fall sign. Make sure you visit my co-host at the Hello Fall Link Party for their fall post.
I found this sign in the target dollar spot at the beginning of summer and couldn’t decide which side to use. It was a total blonde moment because it’s double sided I could use both! On the chalkboard sign I made this Flip Flop Summer Sign using Cricut Curved Text and now on the wood side I’m creating this fall sign. It’s a perfect combination because I can turn it to fall when summers over. Having reversible decorations is such a time, money, and space saver!
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Supplies for DIY Autumn Sign
Cricut Tools
Cricut Maker
Brown Oracal 651 Vinyl
Pastel Orange Oracal 651 Vinyl
Orange Oracal 651 Vinyl
Burgundy Oracal 651 Vinyl
Beige Oracal 651 Vinyl
Let’s Create a Fall Sign for your Fall Door Decor
My inspiration came from this fall heart svg from lovesvg.
It’s whimsical and pretty. This svg is very detailed and took concentration. Also time and patience. My husband took the kids outside so I could have quiet time to make it.
First I used transfer tape to add the tree to the sign.
Then I added the leaves, flowers, hearts, and circles piece by piece. I did the svg in sections because it was overwhelming. I used my cricut tools to add the vinyl pieces to the sign.
When the whimsical fall heart was complete, I realized it was offset to one side. This was an easy fix. I just added “Hello Fall” to balance it out.
It looks great hanging on the bathroom door and makes me smile. It’s the perfect addition to my fall decorations.
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