Stem Easter Basket for your Little Scientist

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Has STEM taken over your house? Are you kids always asking for food coloring, baking soda, vinegar or something to build with? My son ask all the time to do science experiments. He’s turning into quite the mad scientist. Easter is the perfect time to fill his basket with all those things he loves and uses. Here are my ideas for a STEM Easter Basket for your Little Scientist.
STEM Easter Basket for Your Little Scientist
My inspiration came from finding this STEM activities in a jar at Target in the dollar spot. I knew my son would go crazy for it. This STEM basket is not just for Easter, but makes a great raffle basket or birthday gift any scientist would love. Don’t forget about the candy too.
I love candy, but I’m not a fan of wasting lots of money on candy. Candy makes for great science activities too, build with peeps or how does candy react to different liquids. Lots of fun ideas, but that Easter bunny is known for candy so don’t forget to add a few.
Start with a STEM Book or Activity Set
The first thing to start with is a STEM book or activity set. This will give your little scientist guidance of STEM activities to do. It’s also a great starting point for basket fillers of items to complete the science experiments.
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STEM Materials for Easter Basket Fillers
Many STEM activities use a variety of the materials and many of them use the same. All of these materials make great basket fillers and if your child is super creative, they will find fun ways to use them.
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Safety Gear for Your Little Scientist
Protect your little one when they creating and experimenting with STEM. Protective eye wear, science lab to protect their clothes, and gloves. We all know science can be messy so trays to do the experiments on are a must at our house. Plus when their is overflow, it goes on the tray and not all over.
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Fun STEM Toys and Activities make Great Easter Basket Ideas
If you are not quite ready to take that leap into science activities, there are many STEM toys out there that teach science, technology, engineering and math. Below are a few, but I have 21 of the Best STEM Toys for Kids that would make great Easter Basket fillers too. We own many of them and the magnetic blocks and marble runs are probably my kids favorite toys.