Wooden Crafting Blanks for Cricut Projects (That you will Love on Amazon)

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Let’s talk Cricut today! I love creating with my Cricut and finding blank crafting supplies to DIY. One of my favorite types of crafting blanks are wooden signs, picture frames, letters and more! Wood is just my favorite crafting medium next to coffee mugs. I have found all kinds of crafting blanks for Cricut Projects that you will love on Amazon.
After looking for these crafting blanks, I think I need some birdhouses and wooden plaque signs to make now. Plus don’t forget the picture frames! The frames make great gifts for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, birthdays or Christmas. The frames are perfect for the kids to paint. After that you can add on some super cute and personalized Cricut designs in vinyl.
If you are new to Cricut and need some tips for Cricut Design Space or how to use iron on vinyl these are detailed step by step tutorials for you. Iron on vinyl works perfectly on wood surfaces too.
Cricut Design Space™ has many wonderful images, but if you are looking for more places for free cut files, here is the ultimate list of free SVG cut files.
Wood Crafting Blanks for Cricut Projects (That You Will Love on Amazon)
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Did you find something you would like to create with? I know right now the world is upside and crazy, but you can buy these on Amazon and get creative with some DIY craft projects. Crafting is my therapy always and it helps me relax and destress. Honestly I don’t have as much time right now to craft because I’m also teaching the kids, but I try to do something crafty everyday.
These craft blanks are great for kids too. You can keep the kids busy with a few projects and start thinking ahead for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. My kids love when I make stuff for them with my Cricut, then they feel like professional crafters.
I’ld love to hear what crafting blanks you love!